Regulatory Challenges in the introduction of the GSM services onboard aircraft

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Regulatory Challenges in the introduction of the GSM services onboard aircraft

Yulia Koulijova, General Counsel, OnAir, Switzerland

The development and popularity of mobile communications along with an expansion of internet and wireless technologies has transformed the way people communicate. Mobile telephony has become an integral part of daily life, users expect to be connected to their networks at every moment of the day. Businesses also rely heavily on the use of mobile communications. It is therefore inevitable that the aviation industry would explore and develop technology to enable the use of mobile phones on board aircraft.

OnAir was formed in 2005 to develop and operate in-flight passenger communications services. It is owned by SITA, the airline-owned provider of IT solutions and communications services to the air transport industry, and Airbus, one of the world’s leading aircraft manufacturers. OnAir is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and has operations in Seattle, London and Montreal. OnAir is committed to developing a full range of affordable in-flight communication services tailored to passengers’ differing habits and preferences on different types of flights. With OnAir, passengers are able to use their own portable electronic devices, including laptop computers, mobile phones, smart-phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), as well as the airline’s in-seat equipment, to communicate in-flight, just as they do on the ground.

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