Meeting the Challenges of European Union Anti-trust Compliance with Technical Innovation

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Meeting the Challenges of European Union Anti-trust Compliance with Technical Innovation

David Kemp, Executive Director of Legal Policy, Autonomy Corporation plc, United Kingdom

To paraphrase an old adage – “God could not be everywhere all the time, that’s why he invented regulators”! However, as most legislators and regulation draftsmen would have it, their aim is to guide more socially and economically responsible behaviour, rather than to find another excuse for increased enforcement extending from straightforward fines to more draconian powers of Senior Director imprisonment, as evidenced by the UK’s July 2011 Bribery Act. In a speech on 11th October 2011, the European Commission Director General of DG Competition, Alexander Italianer, stressed zero tolerance for international cartels. In so doing, he recognised the need for more effective detection tools as it uses forensic IT searches more frequently. However, while the powers given to the EU Commission, as well as national regulators - such as the UK Office of Fair Trading - are increasing, so too are the instances of leniency for proactivity.

Autonomy, an HP Company, founded in 1996 and utilizing a unique combination of technologies borne out of research at Cambridge University, has experienced a meteoric rise. The company is the second largest pure software company in Europe and has offices worldwide. Autonomy's position as the market leader is widely recognized by leading industry analysts including Gartner, Forrester Research, IDC and Delphi, with the latter referring to Autonomy as the fastest growing public company in the space.

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