Electronic Documents as Evidence: an issue for all in-house counsel to consider

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Electronic Documents as Evidence: an issue for all in-house counsel to consider

Allison Stanfield, In-House Counsel, e.law Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

The use of electronic information within companies is now the norm. We all use word processing tools to create documents and we all use email to correspond and exchange documents electronically. However, as in-house counsel, is there enough attention paid to the way in which the corporation's information is captured, stored and retrieved? If the firm becomes embroiled in litigation will it be a relatively straight forward process to access relevant documents and review, and can in-house counsel be sure that the evidence is admissible and can be authenticated?

Allison Stanfield founded e.law International in 1999 and has successfully run a number of high profile electronic trials and Royal Commissions. Her passion in this area has seen her write prolifically on the subject, having written two texts, many articles in published journals and now as a candidate for a PhD in the authentication of electronic evidence.

e.law Australia Pty Ltd provides niche legal technology services to the legal profession, corporations, the courts and government. Services include electronic data discovery, computer forensics and electronic trial services.

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